Bringing home a new puppy checklist 2022

Everything you need to think about for your puppy’s arrival

Puppies need a lot of time and attention, so preparation is essential.

What to think about before getting a puppy

Puppies are a big responsibility and before you even go out and pick up your new furry friend, there are some important things to consider. One of the most important questions to ask yourself is what kind of dog would be a good fit for your lifestyle? Do you have enough time to devote to a young puppy or would an older dog be a better choice? Do you have children? What kind of dog would be best for them, and do they interact well with other dogs?

Cost: Another important thing to think about is the cost of taking care of a puppy. Not only will you have to purchase supplies, like food, bowls, toys, and a bed, but you’ll also need to pay for regular vet visits. Puppies should have their vaccinations and be spayed or neutered. Some breeds may also require special grooming care.

Lifestyle: If you work long hours or travel a lot, a puppy may not be the best pet for you. Puppies need to potty frequently and cannot be left alone for more than a few hours at a time.

Home: Once you have decided on the breed of dog and brought him or her home, it is important to puppy-proof your house. This means taking into account all of the things a curious little pup could get into. Make sure all dangerous chemicals and medications are locked away and out of reach, cords are tucked away so puppies can’t chew on them, and any poisonous plants are removed from the home.

Vet: Now that you’re prepared, find a vet: One of the most important things to do when you get a new puppy is establish a relationship with a veterinarian. Start looking for vets in your area before your puppy comes home and make sure to schedule a check-up as soon as possible.

Research: Do your research! There are a lot of great resources out there to help you with everything from house training to obedience classes. The internet, books, and even pet stores can be a wealth of information.

Adoption, breeder, or rescue: Where you get your dog from is another thing to consider. Puppy mills, while tempting because of the low price, often have unhealthy and poorly socialized puppies. Animal shelters are a great place to find adoptable dogs, and many rescues specialize in certain breeds or mixes of breeds. If you decide to go through a breeder, be sure to do your homework and visit the breeder’s home to see the puppies and their parents.

Now that you’re ready for your new puppy, make sure to check out our complete guide on bringing home your new furry friend!

Preparations for your new puppy

Before you receive your new puppy there is a lot of stuff you can prepare to make the transition go as smooth as possible.

  • Set up a designated area for your puppy to sleep in and put a few old towels or sheets in there so they can get used to their scent. This will help them feel more comfortable when they’re finally allowed into your bedroom at night.
  • Buy a crate and start getting your puppy used to spending short periods in it. This will be very helpful when it comes time for house training.
  • Stock up on healthy dog food and have a few bowls ready to go. Puppies should eat three times a day at least.
  • Get some toys! A good variety will help keep your puppy entertained and out of trouble.
  • Set up a vet appointment! A good first visit will include a check-up, deworming, and vaccinations.

Create your checklist, here is what a checklist should include 2022:

  • Dog bed/Crate
  • Food
  • Bowls
  • Toys
  • Puppy pads (if needed)
  • Leash and collar
  • Dog shampoo and conditioner
  • Brush/comb
  • Toothbrush kit
  • Ear cleaner
  • Nail clipper set or styptic powder if you’re confident in trimming nails
  • Tweezers and styptic powder for removing ticks/splinters, etc.
  • Food and water dishes that attach to the crate so you can travel with them safely in the car without spills or messes!

That’s it! You are now ready to bring home your new puppy 2022!

Your new puppy’s arrival

It’s a joyous occasion when you bring your new puppy home, but it may also be stressful for both you and your dog. However, there are several things you can do to assist your puppy to acclimate to their new abode as well as the rest of the world around them.

Take your time: When you first bring your puppy home, don’t expect them to get acclimated overnight. It will probably take a few weeks for them to feel comfortable in their new surroundings.

Be patient: Remember that puppies are still learning and they may not know how to behave yet. Don’t get angry if they chew on your shoes or pee inside – they’re just trying to learn what is and isn’t allowed.

Make time for them: Puppies need a lot of attention, so be prepared to spend some extra time with them. This can include playing fetch or taking walks.

Establish rules and stick to them: It’s important to set rules for your puppy and enforce them consistently. They will struggle with boundaries, so be firm and consistent.

Housetraining: This is one of the most difficult parts for both humans and dogs! Set up designated elimination areas in your house where your puppy can go to the bathroom when they need to. Be sure to take them outside every couple of hours or as needed. When you see them going inside, take them outside immediately. If they go to the bathroom in the designated area, praise and treat them for doing so!

Puppy feeding techniques

There are a few different ways you can feed your puppy – each has its benefits and drawbacks.

Slow introduction: When you first get your puppy, mix their old food with the new food at a 50/50 ratio. Gradually decrease the amount of old food until they’re only eating the new food. This is a good way to slowly get your puppy used to the new food and avoid any tummy troubles.

Multiple small meals: Some people prefer to feed their puppies multiple small meals throughout the day instead of one large meal. This can help prevent overeating and indigestion.

All-in-one diet: Some dog foods on the market are complete, all-in-one diets. This means that you don’t have to supplement your puppy’s food with additional vitamins or minerals. However, it’s important to read the ingredients list carefully to make sure there are no harmful chemicals or additives.

Exercising your puppy will help him grow into a healthy adult

Puppies need exercise just as much as adult dogs it’s crucial for their development. A healthy puppy is a happy puppy!

There are many different ways to get your puppy moving. One great option is to take them on walks. This will help them burn off energy and learn how to socialize with other people and dogs.

Playing fetch is another great way to exercise your puppy. It helps them burn calories, strengthen their muscles and improve their overall fitness level.

You may also choose to do some interesting dog puzzle games to keep them occupied. This will appeal to their desire for both mental and physical stimulation.

You should also keep in mind that puppies have shorter attention spans than adult dogs, so don’t overdo it. A few minutes of exercise a couple of times a day is plenty for your little one.

The most important thing to remember when exercising your puppy is to make sure they are safe! Never take your dog out for a walk without wearing its collar with ID tags attached.

Whatever exercises you choose, be sure to keep it safe and fun for your puppy!

Puppies should be trained from an early age

Because your new puppy will almost certainly have to learn all of its skills from the bottom up, you’ll need to start with some basic instructions.

One of the most important commands puppies need to learn is “come.” This will help keep them safe when they’re off-leash or in an unfamiliar place.

It’s also important to start housebreaking your puppy as soon as possible. Set up designated elimination areas inside and outside your house, and take them to these spots every time they need to go. Reward them with praise and treats when they go in the right spot!

Basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and down are also important for your puppy. As your pup gets older, you can start working on more advanced commands like rollover or shake hands.

Puppy training can be a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the end! Not only will your puppy be better-behaved, but you’ll also have a strong bond with your furry friend.

If you follow these tips 2022 your new puppy should acclimate well within a few weeks. Be sure to give yourself some extra time before taking on any major commitments like going away overnight or having guests over until their training is complete. Congratulations on your new addition to the family!

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